Why Kingston?
If you consider everything Kingston has to offer,
you'll agree that Kingston workstation memory is the best solution.
When it comes to workstation memory, no one can compare to Kingston for
Maybe that's why our field-proven memory is specified by more large
organizations worldwide than any other brand.
About Kingston
Contacting Kingston
No matter what model workstation you're using, you can easily
find Kingston® memory for it. Here's why.
Availability Facts
- Kingston manufactures more than 200 different memory upgrades
for almost every UNIX workstation ever built. In addition, we
make upgrades for 4,000 different PCs, Macs, notebooks, servers
and laser printers. Let Kingston provide you with all your
upgrade requirements.
- It's easy to buy Kingston memory from your local reseller.
And if for some reason he doesn't have the Kingston module
you need in stock, he can probably get it for you the next day.
That's because 90 percent of the time, we provide same-day
- Kingston ships more than 30,000 board-level products a day to more than 50 countries worldwide.
- Don't worry about Kingston's product availability, we have
highly dependable sources for supplies. Kingston is among the
top five customers for suppliers like Samsung, Hitachi, IBM,
Toshiba and NEC, so we're first in line for components.
- Our whole distribution system is set up so that you can get
the exact type of Kingston memory you need, when you need it.
When you consider our availability and everything else Kingston offers,
you'll agree Kingston UNIX workstation memory is the best value.
Link to The Memory Zone
Kingston's website is constantly updated with new product and price
information. Click on one of the following links to The Memory ZoneTM at
Free 30-day Evaluation
Try Kingston Memory for 30 days, free of
charge, and see the difference Kingston
memory can make in the performance of
your Silicon Graphics workstation.
Current Configuration Information
New products are introduced weekly at
Kingston. Jump to Kingston's website to get
the latest on new system configurations.
Distributor & Reseller Links
Kingston delivers memory through an
international network of distributors and
resellers. Jump to Kingston's website to
browse a list of distributors and resellers
who can be reached on-line.
Updated Price Comparisons
Jump to Kingston's website for updated
price comparisons. See the savings for
yourself, and find out why Kingston is the
most cost-effective solution for workstation